March 10, 2008

Form Components

Adding Form Components

Forms provide a common function in Web pages, providing a way for users to intearact with the business and people behind a site. I created a basic framework of a form using components.

To function properly and transfer data as intended, a form requires advanced ActionScript programming and connection to a database.

For this project my role is to establish the basics by adding form components on the stage:

"TextInput" for Name and Email input field.
"Radio Buttons" are used for choosing the event (wedding, prom, quincenera, anniversary).
"DateField" component to get info about date.
A "ComboBox" component to list product display type as a drop-down menu.
For the mailing list "CheckBox" for client to click if they want to be added.
The "Button" component to function as a Submit button.

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